Voices in Security – E.S., Application Security Consultant
“My profession is Security, but my hobby is Privacy.”
Why Security?
E.S. always found it fascinating the way hackers could cleverly dodge past the features of their target system. E.S. understood that hackers abuse the features in a business unit that an organization might not even think of, and there is much to be gained from that. At its core, hacking is an interesting way of looking at problems, and at the machine itself. E.S. says most developers might pronounce something “an elegant solution,” and therefore hacking might best be understood as an elegant dissolution.
Home set up?
A lot of people would look at E.S.’s home network and consider him stone age, because it takes a long time for him to trust new technologies. For example, E.S. states although the Internet of Things is conceptually cool in every sense, and he plays with it professionally, he doesn’t trust it to live on his home network, and believes most security professionals would tend to agree. He’s not too interested in exploring IoT for his family right now, and foresees a considerable amount of exploitation in the future. His home systems are UNIX, and his choice of mobile phone is Apple.
Future of Security?
E.S. believes that the government will become even more security-centric, and those that are paid to collectively protect us will begin to make better choices for their constituents. E.S. recalls the early days of PCI DSS, to its most recent iteration, and believes the same tweaking will occur to bring it up to a unanimously approved state. E.S. believes that the digital borders of the international Security industry beg to be further defined across nation-states; a lot of things will be led not just by technology, but by governance as well.
What are you reading?
E.S. enjoys picking up new titles under both the lists of Bill Gates, and of former President Barack Obama.
Most challenging and rewarding career point?
During the time of the Palm Pilot, E.S. believed it would be possible to run Linux on a Palm Pilot device. His company at the time believed in him so much that they gave E.S. over three months to port the whole Linux kernel to Palm Pilot devices. E.S. was struck by two findings from this period in his life. The first finding was that he really appreciated the world of code, and how effectively it tests the limits of his creativity and resolve. E.S.’s second finding was that there are companies that care beyond the bottom line; that there are organizations which care about the personal development of their people. E.S. would like to continue aligning himself with organizations that value his personal development.
E.S. is located within the Greater Toronto Area, and targeting a base compensation of $130k-150k for his next opportunity.
Please reach out to Intercast Staffing to become personally acquainted with this talent.